If you’re on a diet, be sure to keep a diet friendly purse on
hand with you during travel. What is a diet friendly purse, you might
ask? Well, I’m so glad you asked! This concept isn’t one we hear too
much about, but one that’s vital to your healthy lifestyle success. Keep
these simple diet friendly purse tips on hand, and use them each time
you pull out your handbag. I promise you’ll be well on your way to
success in no time, and it will help you get every little bit of money
out of that cute, pricey handbag you bought too!
1. Keep Stevia on Hand
I always keep a small container of stevia on hand, which is my most
crucial tip for creating a diet friendly purse. Even if you’re not on a
diet, I would still suggest keeping stevia in your purse, as a natural
sugar-free sweetener. This way, when you meet that friend out for
coffee, or opt for a hot tea on the go, you can ask for yours to be
served plain, and use stevia in your beverage instead of sugar or
artificial sweetener packets. This also comes in handy when you’re at a
friend or family’ member's house who’s serving coffee or tea, or even
another drink. Ask for yours to be unsweetened, and just pull out your
stevia! For zero calories and zero artificial ingredients, you can rest
assured you’ll be good to go! I like both liquid and individual packet
forms, and my favorite brand is NuNaturals.
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